PPI Partners: Noé

Published on 24 June 2021
ICON/BTN/arrow/2/arrow-down Created with Sketch. UncategorizedPPI Partners: Noé

Noé‘s mission is to protect and restore biodiversity in France and abroad, for the well-being of all living species, including humanity.

To this end, Noé implements programs for the conservation of endangered species, the management of protected areas, the restoration of ordinary biodiversity and natural habitats, the reconnection of Man with Nature and the support of economic activities and civil society organizations engaged towards biodiversity conservation.


These actions are structured within 4 Programs:

– Ensure the management of protected areas upon request of governments, mainly focused on National and Wildlife Parks (Noe’s Parks Program);

– Establish and support the management of other Protected Areas, especially under community management (Natural Areas Program);

– Support communities living in and around protected areas through the development of pro-biodiversity value chains with high economic impact and the emergence of a committed civil society (Pro-biodiversity value chains program);

– Support specific interventions for species of high ecological importance, such as endemic threatened species, flagship species, apex species or migratory species (Threatened Species Program).



Support to NGOs for the protection and enhancement of biodiversity


A central approach of Noé is to support the structuring of NGOs in the operating countries. Noé implements its field actions in partnership with local organizations that are already anchored, or in the process, on the territory, as close as possible to communities and citizens, in natural areas that are still preserved or in need.  More generally, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) are often the most committed actors in supporting communities and protecting biodiversity. They are also the most active in public advocacy for improved policies and regulatory frameworks related to biodiversity conservation, equitable sharing of natural resources, and climate change mitigation.


Noé’s support to civil society is done through:

– Structuring these organizations by strengthening their organizational capacities, and a common approach to fundraising;

– Accompanying those structures to promote an approach to the protection and enhancement of biodiversity, through the establishment of i) decentralized natural resource management bodies ii) support for the development of pro-biodiversity value chains with a strong socio-economic impact and preservation of the areas and resources exploited;

– Joint implementation of field programs, based on knowledge sharing and operational efforts.



Partnership or synergies with the PPI Program

Within the framework of its pro-biodiversity value chains program, Noé developed close links with PPI, particularly in the identification of partner CSOs in sub-Saharan Africa, and the strengthening of their capacities. Coordination and exchanges between PPI and Noé ensure the complementarity of their actions, for greater efficiency and quality of programs, with committed national partners.




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