Published on 8 October 2021On the occasion of the IUCN World Conservation Congress, and in the presence of the French Secretary of State for Biodiversity, the French Global Environment Facility and the French Committee of IUCN signed an agreement for a sixth phase of the Small Initiatives Program (PPI 6). The MAVA Foundation has also renewed its support to the program before it definitively ceases its activities at the end of 2022.
PPI 6 will last four years and, in line with previous phases, will aim to strengthen African civil society on environmental issues in countries where it has historically been underdeveloped. To this end, and within the framework of calls for projects, the PPI will finance small projects in Africa on the themes of biodiversity protection and the fight against climate change. It will also support local associations to design and manage projects and strengthen their capacity to influence national and regional environmental policies.
Specifically, the objectives of PPI 6 are:
- Strengthen the impact of PPI’s historical partners in territories where they have legitimacy and where there are strong nature conservation issues;
- Support the deployment of nature-based solutions in Africa;
- Support the emergence of new organizations;
- Increase the capacity of local organizations to influence governments and the private sector.
A call for projects restricted to historical partners in Central and West Africa (including the Atlantic coast) has already been launched in the summer of 2021 and a selection committee will meet in early November. This call will allow the financing of about fifteen projects for a total amount of about 1.2 M€ and for a maximum duration of 3 years.
A call for projects open to new emerging organizations that have never benefited from the MIP will be launched in mid-2022. The themes that will be eligible for project funding will be the same as in the previous phase, i.e.: biodiversity conservation; and combating climate change through Nature-based Solutions (NBS). PPI 6 will operate in three main regions: Central Africa, West Africa and the Atlantic coast of West Africa. This open call will allow the financing of about fifteen small projects for a total amount of about 500 k€ and for a maximum duration of 2 years.
Eligibility criteria and information on how to apply will be available soon on the PPI website, under the heading “Call for Proposals”: https://www.programmeppi.org/aap/
The PPI: A program that is close to people to stimulate the potential of African organizations
Since 2006, the FGEF has been supporting African civil society with the Small Initiatives Program (SIP), which finances small projects on biodiversity and climate issues. The program’s objective is twofold: 1) to contribute to the protection of biodiversity and the fight against climate change through the implementation of field projects; 2) to strengthen the capacities and influence of African civil society on environmental issues.
Since 2006, the PPI has financed 251 projects in 28 African countries, for a total amount of 14.5 million euros.
Find all the results of the PPI in this capitalization brochure published on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the Program
Watch the new PPI film: “For an African civil society at the heart of environmental action” available on the PPI Youtube channel
For more information