Interview of Jarrie, technical agent at Avisu, Gambie

Published on 9 July 2024
ICON/BTN/arrow/2/arrow-down Created with Sketch. Conservation des écosystèmesInterview of Jarrie, technical agent at Avisu, Gambie


This interview was conducted as part of the Forum of the Regional Partnership for the Conservation of Coastal and Marine Areas (PRCM), which took place from 23 to 26 April 2024 in Bissau.



Hello Jarrie, can you introduce yourself?


My name is Jarrie Bah and since 2023, I’m a field staff for the Gambian NGO AVISU (Agency for Village Support), based in Kaur in The Gambia. My main activity is to work for the project ‘’ Community Participation to restore and preserve Ndensanje wetland in Kaur’’, supported by the PPI and implemented by AVISU. Previously, I did development studies at rural Development institute in Mansakonko the Gambia.

In 2024, I had the chance to participate in the 2024 PRCM forum in Bissau.



You participated in the PRCM forum in Bissau: why was it important for you to be there?


Participating in the PRCM forum in Bissau was important for me because it provided an opportunity to engage with key stakeholders in sustainable development and conservation in the region, more than 400 professionals attended the forum.

It was new for me to participate to such event. It allowed me to network with other professionals, share insights from my work with AVISU, and learn about the latest strategies and innovations in environmental protection. This kind of collaboration and knowledge exchange is crucial for effectively addressing the challenges faced by communities in our area (Kaur region in The Gambia) where we are isolated geographically and from all these networks.



What learnings from this forum will be useful for you and AVISU in the future?


The PRCM Forum focuses on sustainable development and environmental conservation in West Africa (7 countries), providing a platform for stakeholders to share knowledge, best practices, and innovations. The following are some of the potential benefits that AVISU and I have from the PRCM Forum in Bissau and can be used in the future:

– Networking Opportunities: I got in contact with other development professionals and organizations that could help us technically and/or financially in the future, for example Wetlands International, Birdlife, PRCM, and even other PPI partners, such as the Kalissaye Bird Reserve from Senegal or the NGO GT2050 from Guinea.

– Best Practices: I gained insights into some of the latest best practices, tools, and innovations in the field of development and coastal area, which can be applied to improve AVISU’s programs and impact, especially in wetland conservation and mangroves restoration.

– Policy and Advocacy Strategies: By seeing other NGOs talking in public, I saw possibilities for policy advocacy that could help AVISU in influencing local or national policies benefiting village communities.

– Monitoring and Evaluation: There were several talks about the importance of improving monitoring and evaluation to better measure the impact of conservation actions, this is something that we will need to integrate better in our work.



What advises you would give to youth who would like to engage in biodiversity conservation?


Engaging in biodiversity conservation is a meaningful and impactful endeavor. Here are some pieces of advice for youth who want to get involved:


– Get Involved Locally: Participate in local conservation projects, such as tree planting, clean-ups, or wildlife monitoring. Many communities have initiatives that need volunteers.

– Advocate for Change: Use your voice to raise awareness about biodiversity issues. This can be through social media, community events, or writing articles.

– Support Conservation Organizations: Join or support organizations that work in biodiversity conservation. This could be through donations, volunteering, or internships.

– Connect with Mentors: Seek guidance from professionals in the field. They can provide valuable insights, advice, and opportunities for further involvement.

– Pursue Relevant Education: If you are passionate about making a career in conservation, consider studying related fields such as environmental science, biology, or ecology.

– Network and Collaborate: Join networks and groups focused on conservation. Collaboration can amplify efforts and lead to more significant impacts.


Thank you for your time and good luck with your activities!


You can follow AVISU’s activities on their Facebook page:

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