News from the field: TF-RD

Published on 24 June 2021
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At the end of January 2021, was held at Kabillone II, within the intervention site of the Cameroonian CSO TROPICAL FOREST AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT (TF-RD), a training workshop for 13 resource people members of the Simplified Cooperative Society of Cocoa producers from Dja (SCOOSPROCADJA) on the use of ecological monitoring tools (Trap Cameras and Runbo) as well as its configuration through practical activities in the botanical trail set up by TF-RD.


The purpose of this support, delivered within the framework of the ongoing PPI project “Support for the improvement of territorial governance for the sustainable management of natural resources on the outskirts of the Dja Wildlife Reserve (RFD)”, was to build the capacities of the members of the cooperative to contribute to the effective protection of the Great Apes on the outskirts of the Dja Biosphere Reserve (RBD).


At the end of this activity, camera traps were configured and installed, and the data collection system calibrated. Camera traps have been installed and data collection is underway.


Tropical Forest and Rural Development is a Cameroonian association for conservation and sustainable development created according to the receipt of association declaration n ° 0000528 / RDA / JO6 / BABP of 05 May 2010 which fights for poverty reduction, protection of ecosystems and endangered species for the benefit of local communities living around Protected Areas (PA) of Cameroon.


Its vision is to help create a socio-economic environment that supports the empowerment of local communities and that contributes to the conservation of biodiversity.


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