PPI at the IUCN Africa Conservation Forum in Nairobi

Published on 27 June 2024
ICON/BTN/arrow/2/arrow-down Created with Sketch. ProgrammePPI at the IUCN Africa Conservation Forum in Nairobi

Nearly 700 people from governments, NGOs, citizens, the private sector and international organizations gathered from 26 to 28 June 2024 for the Africa Conservation Forum in Nairobi, Kenya.



Co-organised with the Government of Kenya, IUCN Kenya and, for the first time, all three IUCN African regional offices, the Africa Conservation Forum is one of the leading regional platforms for strategically influencing the sustainable development and biodiversity conservation agenda.



With “African Solutions for Nature and People” as its central theme, the Forum aims to foster experience sharing, partnerships, and discussions around the most pressing conservation issues in Africa, encouraging collaboration between IUCN members and multiple stakeholders. Held every four years, it aims to build resilient conservation efforts that can adapt and thrive in the face of environmental change, to safeguard the diversity of Africa’s ecosystems, and to ensure that economic development is sustainable and benefits future generations.



To mark the occasion, 14 PPI partners and Paul Estève, PPI coordinator at the French IUCN Committee, travelled to Nairobi to give a voice to African civil society by highlighting the experiences and the importance played by local CSOs in conserving biodiversity.



The PPI team, in partnership with IUCN Med, organised a special side event on the afternoon of June 26th, attended by 36 people, with the aim of mobilising African civil society actors who have participated in an IUCN support programme (PPI, PPI OSCAN, Transcap). The programme included “speed dating” and thematic discussion groups, where participants had the opportunity to exchange views on a number of subjects: strengthening the visibility of civil society, reflecting on the motions to be presented at the IUCN World Congress in 2025, and identifying new opportunities and avenues for collaboration.



Find out more about the Forum programme ! 





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