The PPI team is growing : welcome Emmanuel !

Published on 9 July 2024
ICON/BTN/arrow/2/arrow-down Created with Sketch. UncategorizedThe PPI team is growing : welcome Emmanuel !

In February 2024, the PPI team welcomed its new Capacity Building Coordinator for Central Africa, Emmanuel Hango! His role will be to support PPI organisations in carrying out organisational diagnostics, drawing up and implementing capacity-building action plans, seeking funding, organising exchange visits between CSOs and developing strategies for influencing and advocating policy.



Based in Maroua, northern Cameroon, Emmanuel holds a Design Engineering Diploma in Social Sciences for Development. He is an alumnus of the Tony Elumelu Foundation’s Entrepreneurial Programme and the Well Grounded NGO’s Facilitator For Change Programme.



He is a true development practitioner: he has over 8 years’ experience with several civil society organisations in Cameroon, particularly in the field of environmental protection. He has also worked as a consultant on World Bank-funded projects in Cameroon. After specialising in organisational development and change management, he carried out organisational diagnostics for Well Grounded. His skills extend to supporting civil society organisations and setting up networks and groups of associations.

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